Experience Kwan Yin Energy as it assists you to awaken to the Truth of your Being.  Accelerate your personal growth through the Masters Mentoring Program.  See how quickly these one-on-one sessions with Kwan Yin illuminate your soul’s path.

This program consists of 6 (or more) monthly sessions with Kwan Yin and the Ascended Masters channeled by Sucheta. It is aimed at those who are read to open more deeply to their Soul and experience themselves in a new, expanded way.  

Sessions with Kwan Yin channeled by Sucheta. These are single or sporadic sessions aimed at those who are seeking general guidance, or guidance at a specific time in their life. Sessions are approximately 1 hour long. 

Kwan Yin is giving us spiritual information to help us understand our connection to Spirit and to help us during our time on the planet. All levels of consciousness can be addressed. Although these sessions are informal, fun and entertaining, there is a serious side. It is for people who are seeking spiritual guidance and is not meant to be a type of party entertainment.

“We, the Archangels, are ready to Radiate our Energy to humankind in a very grounding way.
Each human has a specific Divine Work; a Divine Blueprint that is unfolding.
Each has come onto the earth plane via a Special Flame from the Heart of God to emanate specific Qualities”
